Are you brave enough to take the Pledge?? : Ginny Dye - Living Out Loud!
Ginny Dye
The Bregdan Chronicles
Fireflies For The Heart
Fly To Your Dreams

Are you brave enough to take the Pledge??

by Ginny Dye on 04/18/10

People ask me exactly what it is that I do... Am I a writer? Do I write & publish the Bregdan Chronicles?  Do I run Together We Can Change The World?  Am I a marketer?  What about 5 Million For Change

The answer?  YES.  I do all these things. :)  Just depends on what time of the day you're asking me!  But today I want to talk about 5 Million For Change because I really do just happen to believe that millions of people fulfilling the "PLEDGE" can change our world!

The 5 Million For Change Pledge is so very simple...

I raise my hand for 5 Million For Change
I will take time TODAY to make a difference in the world.
I will take time TODAY to do one thing - for one person.
I will take time TODAY to spread some loving and caring in my world.
One thing - TODAY.
Nothing is too small.  Nothing is too big.
It is only important to take Action.
I will take time TODAY - to ACT - to create CHANGE!

And, yes, I know simple does not always mean easy.  I wrote this pledge 30,000 feet in the air on my way to a conference where I was speaking.  It was written in response to a question I had from a college student at Western Washington University - where I spoke the day before I flew out.  He wanted to know what my "Agenda" for 5 Million For Change was.  Was it political?  Religious? Economical?  I realized that in today's world, where almost everyone has an "agenda" that I had to figure out a way to communicate who we are. 

Our only agenda is to make our world a better place by empowering people to be deliberate in looking for ways to make a difference.  So we created 5 Million For Change, and we're giving away all the resources we spent the last 9 years creating.  Yep. FREE.  We just want to give you what you need to make a difference! 

I know very few people who say they DON'T want to make a difference.  Most just don't know what to do... We can help with that!  We've created 12 books with over 1300 ideas for things you can do.  Do them all, and you can just start repeating!


The important thing is to DO something.  It really is true that people don't care about what you say - they care about what you DO. 

Are you brave enough to take the PLEDGE.  Just go to and raise your hand for CHANGE!


Comments (2)

1. Richard Gary Butler said on 4/18/10 - 07:09AM
For me, there is no question as to whether or not I am going to take this pledge, because I already do this in my life on a daily basis NOW, and I will continue to do so with a more concentrated effort. Thank you for being the very special person that you are! You are making a wonderful difference in the world we live in. Love, Light, Peace, Happiness, Abundance, and Blessings, ~ <3 Richard <3 ~
2. shankar said on 4/18/10 - 04:44PM
change is a way of life and one hopes its for the better always!!

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